U.C.C. Blog Spot.
Best Foot Forward Initiative
Being able to participate in the Best Foot Forward Initiative was a fascinating experience. Our motive as a panel was to get the children to consider going to college to pursue a career.
We set out to accomplish this goal by explaining indepth the prep process and the different ways of paying for college, along with a few pertinent points on selecting the right college and major.
If all of this was not persuasive enough, A few other alternatives such as joining the military and going to trade school were brought to the fore front for discussion.
From a personal point of view, it was a pleasure being able to take part in making an impact on their lives. Of course the possibility exist that we didn’t get through to all the children but at least we can say we tried, by sharing some of our personal experiences along with the necessary information they need in order to move forward. The decision they are faced to make would not be as difficult as before.
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